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Instantly Turn LinkedIn Profiles into 100% Verified Email Leads in Real Time - A.I. & OSINT powered
*** Open-source intelligence (OSINT) is the collection and analysis of data gathered from open sources to produce actionable intelligence
users can't be wrong
99.9% email accuracy with AI verification
Easily find clients on Linkedin
Unlock Your Lead Generation Powerhouse Now!
75% OFF - AI Chat Agent Special
Find leads that speak directly to your business, whether you're a startup, tech whiz, creative soul, or service provider...
Get your copy of Prospectrin right now
Warning: Once the launch special ends, Prospectr Linkedin Edition will be sold for a monthly subscription only.
Expose real & verified contact information of any linkedin profile in 3 swift steps
How to use Prospectrin and get millions of buyer leads in 3 simple steps
DiscoverEffortlessly mine LinkedIn, the holiest of the holy platforms for high-quality leads using our chrome extension
Enrich with OSINTSend the data to our app and our True AI™ tech finds the emails for you, with a staggering 99.9% accuracy.
Connect Instantly engage your vetted leads with 1-click outreach and pre-loaded, irresistible cold reach-out scripts.
Find Qualified Leads In Less Than A Minute
Get your leads scored by our AI assistant
Contact and close clients using our AI widget
Solves all your leadgen issues
No matter if you're a Digital Agency, Local Marketer or small business owner, Prospectrin solves all these problems for you:
62% OFF - Black Friday Special

Linkedin Edition
Find clients from linkedin with True AI™ (OSINT AI)

Audit & Score Hyper Targeted Leads in ANY niche
Get your copy today
Warning: Once the launch special ends, Prospectr Linkedin Edition will be sold for a monthly subscription only.
Other Prospecting tools    Manual
Swiftly find top-quality leads with our pioneering True AI™
Bypass gatekeepers for direct access to decision-makers
Achieve 99.9% email accuracy with AI verification.
Forget about manual prospecting with our Chrome Extension.
Be in the action fast with 1-click outreach and pre-loaded scripts.
Discover upsell opportunities with built-in additional tools
Buy once and reap benefits forever
Manage leads effortlessly with easy lead management.
Solid! Locked and LOADED! Stocked FULL! Buy now or regret later AppSumo Deal

Guys - Just get it! Very pleased with the deal and support is fast and with future updates to boot!

Tired Of Chasing Leads In A Sea Of Selfies?
Imagine social media like a big city. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are the fun areas with many selfies.

But hold on!

You’re not here for fun and games but for those golden opportunities—serious connections that can elevate your business to new heights. That’s where LinkedIn comes into play.

It’s where you’ll meet the right people for better leads.
Linkedin is the Superior Choice for Quality Leads
Let The Numbers Do The Talking!
277% More Effective
Linkedin is 277% More Effective for Lead Generation Than Facebook & Twitter
according to a study by hubspot
Linkedin was rated the #1 platform for B2B lead generation
best for leadgen
65+ million leads
65+ million business decision makers are on Linkedin
huge market
High closing rate
40% of B2B marketers surveyed indicated Linkedin as the most effective channel for driving high-quality leads.
high-quality leads
The Gold On Linkedin Is Real, But It’s Not Handed Out Freely
If you are sitting on a pile of gold, you won’t let it go that easily, would you? You will guard it with your life and fight with anyone like you haven’t fought before to protect it at all costs.

The same is true with LinkedIn- it won’t easily give you leads.
Linkedin doesn't like automation
To be honest, LinkedIn has a bitter affair with automation.

It doesn’t like automation; it doesn’t offer the leads it hides for easy pickings. So the platform’s algorithm keeps changing - making it tougher for people to use automation.

This is the exact reason LinkedIn leads discovery apps are so expensive, all of them being a monthly subscriptions.
Linkedin’s goldmine is now yours, thanks to our AI magic!
Thanks to the immense power of AI, we have finally cracked the code and breached the LinkedIn to turn the tide in your favour.

...And we haven’t just cracked the code; we’ve revolutionised the way you engage with LinkedIn.

Say goodbye to:
Outdated methods
Tiresome manual searchesBounced emails
Enter a new era of lead discovery
Introducing Prospectr Linkedin Edition
Extract emails with OSINT AI:
Our new OSINT AI technology can extract unlimited email address from linkedin profiles in REAL TIME.
100% verified e-mails
All emails Prospectr finds are verified and REAL(97%+ accuracy). No more wasted time on non-responsive leads
Unlike many LinkedIn lead discovery tools that bleed you dry with monthly subscriptions, Prospectrin is a one-time purchase.
Efficient outreach features
With our 1-click outreach, connecting with those leads has never been faster.
Powerful Features
From AI lead scoring to pre-loaded cold reach-out scripts, ProspectrIn is equipped with everything you need to get loads of inbound leads and enquiries for your services.
No more manual work
Turn manual searches into quick discoveries with our easy to use  Chrome Extension.
Overwhelmed by your past lead generation hurdles?
Every consultant knows the painstaking journey of chasing leads: the dead-ends, the email bounces, and the endless, fruitless searches.
Prospectrin our solution
Our pioneering OSINT AI swiftly penetrates this forest, ensuring you effortlessly encounter top-quality leads every time.
Other Prospecting tools    Manual
big problem
Lost in the Lead Jungle
You’re navigating through a thick forest of leads on your past lead discovery tools and on different platforms, and it feels like you’re searching for a needle in a haystack.

You know your ideal leads are out there, but where?
Prospectrin our solution
Our AI-powered technology cuts through gatekeeper defenses, allowing you direct access to decision-makers, turbocharging your deal-closing potential without the endless runaround.
Other Prospecting tools    Manual
sbig problem
Gatekeeper Hurdles
Navigating past gatekeepers, those formidable barriers that stand between you and the decision-makers, can be an exhausting ordeal.

Often, they shield their superiors, making it challenging to reach the right people and close the deals you’re after.
Prospectrin our solution
Our True AI™ verification guarantees a jaw-dropping 99.9% email accuracy. Say goodbye to ghost doors and hello to genuine connections!
Other Prospecting tools    Manual
sbig problem
The Email Dead-End Dilemma
Ever spent hours crafting the perfect outreach only to get hit with that dreaded ’email bounceback’?

It’s like knocking on a door that no one will ever answer
Prospectrin our solution
Our game-changing Chrome Extension transforms hours of manual hunting into a lightning-quick lead feast.
Other Prospecting tools    Manual
sbig problem
Manual Searches Madness
Using clumsy, manual methods to find leads, feeling like you’re using a typewriter in an age of AI.
Prospectrin our solution
Our AI Lead Scoring shines a spotlight on the premium leads, making sure you don’t waste a second on lukewarm opportunities.
Other Prospecting tools    Manual
sbig problem
Lead Overwhelm Overload
Sifting through endless lists of potential leads, feeling overwhelmed and unsure of where to start.
Prospectrin our solution
1-Click Outreach combined with our
pre-loaded scripts ensures your message doesn’t just gets seen - it gets remembered and get replied to ASAP.
Other Prospecting tools    Manual
sbig problem
'Shot in the Dark’ Outreach
Blindly reaching out, hoping and praying your message resonates and doesn’t get lost in the abyss of their inbox.
Prospectrin our solution
Our Website Presence Check does the detective work for you, revealing golden opportunities with each lead.
Other Prospecting tools    Manual
sbig problem
No Upsell Opportunities
Wondering if a lead has a website and missing out on additional service opportunities like web design or development.
Prospectrin our solution
ProspectrIn’s one-time purchase model means you invest once and reap the limitless benefits forever.
Other Prospecting tools    Manual
sbig problem
Expensive monthly subscriptions
Bleeding cash with monthly subscriptions for good-for-nothing ol’ style lead discovery tools, feeling like there’s a hole burning in your pocket.
Prospectrin our solution
With our easy folder-based, lead management, you become the master of your lead domain, ensuring no lead ever goes unnoticed.
Other Prospecting tools    Manual
sbig problem
Lead management nightmares
Struggling to keep track of leads, feeling like they’re slipping through your fingers like water.
Say goodbye to days filled with frustration and missed chances.
Armed with our cutting-edge AI-enhanced ProspectrIn, you’ll effortlessly steer your course towards a continuous stream of premium leads.
Ready to close consistent deals with million-dollar clients?
Prospectrin is a Game Changer

Prospectr Linkedin Edition gives you direct access to the decision-makers and the best leads & features you could find on the internet.
Bulletproof Your Outreach
Our AI algorithm acts as your personal bouncer, kicking out bad and bounced emails, so you can focus solely on high-quality, responsive leads.
Uncover Additional Opportunities
Discover which leads have websites and which don’t, so you can tailor your approach and turn every interaction into a lucrative opportunity.
Masters of Organization
Our lead management system turns you into a lead-management maestro, ensuring no lead is left unattended and every opportunity is maximized.
Unleash Lightning-Fast Lead Collection
Our game-changing Chrome extension turbocharges your lead collection, turning hours of manual searching into mere minutes.
Spot the Diamonds in the Rough
Our AI Lead scoring is like having a crystal ball, instantly highlighting premium leads that are practically begging to convert.
Unlock Irresistible Messaging
Prospectrin comes loaded with proven cold reach-out scripts designed to hook your prospects like a Hollywood blockbuster, ensuring they can’t resist responding.
Powerhouse Integration
Seamlessly export your leads to CSV for third-party integrations or to PDF for sharing with lead-gen agenicies, for even more additional income opportunities.
Unlock the Goldmine of Verified Emails
Our real-time AI email discovery unveils the treasure trove of verified email addresses of top decision-makers, ensuring your messages land directly in their inboxes
Supercharge Your Connections
With a single click, you’ll be reaching out to your dream prospects faster than a speeding bullet, leaving your competition in the dust.
Elevate Your Research Game:
Instantly dive into the world of your leads’ LinkedIn profiles with a single click, arming you with the knowledge to personalize your outreach like never before.
Unleash the AI Ecosystem
Dive into the AI-driven nirvana by integrating with ConvertLead and Pages. Your conversion game will be so strong; it’s practically invincible.
Get instant access
Make Prospectrin your ultimate secret weapon for dominating the world of lead generation!
Best investment you'll ever make
Beta users and testers are already calling Prospectr LinkedIn Edition the best investment they’ve ever made in their business.
Mega - Appsumo user

Man, these guys were amazing they have helped me more than once get my system set up perfectly. This system has really good potential as far as lead generation so I’m really excited.

7h ago
Tiberio Priean - Agency owner

Prospectr rocks! The one-click access to Messenger and the website presence check are helping me tremendously scale my outreach  campaigns for my web design agency.

3 days ago
Ciprian M. - Photographer and Video Producer

I used to spend hours scrolling through social media trying to find potential Facebook pages for my social media posting services.

Prospectr is saving me so much time, it’s unreal. The prospecting score is superb and already helping me avoid the leads that likely won’t respond back. Definitely recommend it.

7 days ago
Ali Akbar - Entrepreneur & Email Marketer

The AI widget is great. I can quickly whip up cold emails and generate copy for my landing pages and it saves me a tremendous amount of time.

I would also like to give a special mention to Alex, who has been incredibly responsive and helpful every time I reached out, even with some questions that may seem silly at times.

2h ago
Plus, if you act fast and access Prospectrin today, you're also getting these ...
Launch special bonuses
$97 value BONUS
Linkedin Marketing School
Make the most of ProspectrIn with in-depth knowledge of LinkedIn marketing.

Discover how to 10x your business using LinkedIn’s powerful platform.
This comprehensive course covers everything from setting up an effective LinkedIn presence to mastering content creation and leveraging groups for business success.

It’s designed to work with Prospectrin, helping you to not only find but effectively engage and convert leads on LinkedIn.
$37 value BONUS
Killer LinkedIn Profile Blueprint
Maximize ProspectrIn’s effectiveness by mastering your LinkedIn presence.

This bonus guide teaches you how to craft a LinkedIn profile that stands out in the crowd.  So once the lead you reach out to looks back at your profile, it appeals to them immediately and directly, helping you make the most of Prospectrin’s lead generation capabilities.

Remember, a well-crafted profile is key to attracting the right leads and is essential to leveraging LinkedIn for business growth, networking, or client hunting.
$67 value BONUS
10 Ways To Generate Leads Using LinkedIn
Complement Prospectrin’s powerful lead discovery features with ten innovative strategies for lead generation on LinkedIn.
This bonus guide dives into how to maximize LinkedIn’s professional network for your business’s benefit.
Learn to identify and engage with high-quality leads, enhancing Prospectrin’s lead scoring and outreach capabilities.

Unlock Your Lead Generation Powerhouse Now!
Elevate your outreach with precision and efficiency
like never before.
Act Fast - Limited Time 75% OFF Launch Special
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to supercharge your lead generation. Prospectr LinkedIn Edition, your ultimate AI tool for turning LinkedIn profiles into a treasure trove of verified email leads, is available today only at an astounding 45% OFF! *
Get your copy of Prospectrin right now
Warning: Once this black friday launch special ends, Prospectr Linkedin Edition will be sold for a monthly subscription only.
Whether you're a startup, tech whiz, creative soul, or service provider, Prospectr is the perfect lead discovery tool for your business...
Consultants & Freelancers
Simplify your client search.

ProspectrIn helps you find, score, and connect with premium leads without dealing with email hassles.
Graphic Designers
Writers and Copywriters
Web DevelopersPhotographers and more
Sales & Marketing Teams
Make lead collection a breeze.

Use ProspectrIn’s Chrome extension to quickly identify and connect with high-quality leads using tested outreach scripts.
Targeted Outreach
NetworkingPartnership Opportunities
Expand your client list smoothly by finding businesses that need your web services, all through AI-verified connections.

Save time and effort
Bring in a steady flow of buyer-leads
Discover Partnership opportunities
Competitor Analysis
Small Businesses
Locate business clients actively seeking your products and services, making your outreach campaigns more targeted and effective.

Grow your business in a cost-effective way.
Identify potential buyers, sellers, and investors interested in real estate properties within your region.

Property Developers Identify potential partners and investors for upcoming projects, expanding your network in the real estate industry.
Property Investors
Reach out to potential investors interested in real estate, offering them lucrative investment opportunities.
Property Sellers
Connect with homeowners looking to sell, offering your expertise in listing and marketing their properties
Commercial Clients Connect with businesses looking for commercial spaces, guiding them through the leasing or buying process.
Event Planners
Discover businesses and individuals in need of event planning services, making your event business a go-to choice.

Prospectr opens the door for businesses of all kinds to effortlessly navigate Facebook's vast business landscape
Vendor Partnerships
Event Sponsorship
Venue Scouting
Tech Startups
It’s a quick and efficient way to build your network and establish your brand.

Use Prospectrin to identify potential investors, collaborators, and early adopters who are keen on innovative solutions:
Investor OutreachCollaboration OpportunitiesAccelerator and Incubator ProgramsFunding Rounds and Grants
Let Prospectrin become your smart, silent partner in driving successful, lucrative connections across all facets of your business network.
Your golden opportunity awaits!
but not for long!
You are just at an arm’s length to limitless leads, explosive connections, and life-changing deals.

Prospectrin is your VIP ticket to this dazzling metropolis of LinkedIn where high-quality leads are for your taking easily, thanks to its AI powers.

But, like all good things, this opportunity won’t be here for long.
Our Launch Special Offer ends once the timer above hits zero.
Get instant access
Warning: Once the launch special ends, Prospectr Linkedin Edition will be sold for a monthly subscription only.
Tick. Tock. Time's Running Out!
Our OSINT AI technology has a carrying capacity, and we CANNOT afford to overcrowd it.
If you act right now, you'll not only be among the elite first adopters who can get this for a very LIMITED, jaw-dropping one-time price, but this may also be your only chance to change the entire narrative

Deep down, you KNOW the power of being able to enrich Linkedin Profiles in REAL TIME:
Every email is a direct line to a decision-maker.
Every outreach resonates with its recipient.
Every day brings an influx of premium leads.
Simplify your marketing process and accelerate growth with Prospectrin
Find leads that speak directly to your business, whether you're a startup, tech whiz, creative soul, or service provider...
Business Edition
2000 credits every month
*** 1 credit = 1 enriched lead
Chrome Extension
Real Time OSINT Enrichment
Unlimited searches
AI-Powered Lead Discovery
AI-Prospect Scoring System
AI-Enhanced Lead Enrichment
Universal AI-Widget
Exhaustive Lead Data Suite
Desktop Calls via Twilio Integration
One-Click Email Outreach
Social Reviews Insight
Website Presence Checker
Instant Messenger Connection
Pre-Loaded Outreach Scripts
1 click Convertlead integration
Early Bird Offer 45% Discount
AI Pages Commercial
Regular Price: $97/month
Just $67
Our Launch Special Offer ends once the timer above hits zero.
Warning: Once the launch special ends, Prospectr Linkedin Edition will be sold for a monthly subscription only.

Early Bird Exclusive: Unlock Your Lead Generation Powerhouse Now!
Act Fast - Limited Time 75% OFF Launch Special
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to supercharge your lead generation. Prospectr LinkedIn Edition, your ultimate AI tool for turning LinkedIn profiles into a treasure trove of verified email leads, is available today only at an astounding 45% OFF! *
Get your copy of Prospectrin right now
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